Yet another sleepless night.  Yet another mindless movie.  Waitaminnit!!
That guy had a ferret!!  Okay!  What movie is it?  ("Who knows?!?  It's been
on a while!")  Okay, what's it about?  Michael J. Fox is playing some kind
of magazine writer who's addicted to drugs, and when he goes to the park to
(sorry, I missed just what he was doing there...) a man walks up with a
*huge* cinnamon-colored sable ferret.  The ferret is doing his best to fly
out of the guy's hands, so Michael J. buys the ferret ("Fred", of course)
and some coke and they let it go in an office and a dumb-looking puppet
"bites" Michael J. and it's boring now can I go to sleeeeee..... <ZZZZZ>
Or was that just a dream??
Help.  I'm losing my mind.  I know the description's sparse, but at 03:27
hours, whaddya expect?  Anyone recognize this?  I'm considering hypnotic
Thanks in advance!
The Family:
Bonnie: "There's a lotta life in the old gal yet, tojours gai, tojours gai!"
Peeper: Named for the noise you made.  A perfect professional pet.  RIP.
GT: The Generic Terrorist, fast and sporty with four-on-the-floor!
Cody: "Look!  I can fly and still be handsome!!  Watch this!!  Ouch!!"
Birch: "Handsome Handful of Dancin' Devil at your Service!!"
Frank: "Gotta nose like a possum but I'm 100% ferret boy!!"
P-Nut & Jimbo "Whew!!  Are they all asleep yet??"
[Posted in FML issue 1264]