Regarding bald tails.  I know that I read an article somewhere that claimed
that hair loss on the tail as well as a red waxy coating on the skin of a
tail in ferrets was many times due to irregular photoperiods.  This red wax
is something completely different than acne which is kind of patchy usually
with black heads and just some redness due to irritation.  Acne usually
clears up with diligent washing and using antiseptics, in my experience.
However, the red wax on the tail is a different story.  I think Sheena was
refering to this in albinos when she said "looks almost bloody".  Our
albino, Edith, has never gotten the red waxy gunk on her tail.  So, I don't
think it is an albino thing.  But, another in our house has gotten it.  I
imagine that the red wax is just more visible through fluffy white fur
rather than black or brown fur.  Anyways, this red wax is impossible to wash
off.  It comes and goes turning darker and brighter and then disappears.
Sometimes in days, sometimes weeks.  When the red wax acts up it sometimes
looks like the tail is going bald, but it is really not.  And other times it
does come with patchy hair loss.  I will see if I can find the citation that
attributes this to light & dark cycles.
BTW, when Edith was very sick with an upper respiratory infection (very
very sick), she had noticable fur thinning on her tail.  It did not go
completely bald, though.  The fur on her whole body got kind of gray and
stringy.  I would attribute that to not feeling like grooming herself when
she was feeling so so poorly.  When she got better, her fur went back to
normal.  I also feel the need to stick up for albinos...  Edith, red eyed
albino, has got the softest and thickest and longest fur of anyone in our
house...  :-) (She made me say that...) Charlene
[Posted in FML issue 1264]