Thanks to everyone on FML,
It's been two days since Paddington "crossed the Rainbow Bridge."  It doesn't
hurt as much any more.  It doesn't feel like a good by forever.  More like
when a good friend moves away, but you know you will eventually see him/her
There are still some reminders of him.  The smaller cage he slept in.  The
sleep bag he curled up in.  The end of the dust mop he so loved.  I miss him,
but I'm glad he's not suffering.
I'd like to share something with all of you.  Seven years ago, Pepper, a
black lab collie mix and another beloved friend, died of old age.  We miss
her as well.  On the way back from the vet, I caught a glimps of her and
Paddington playing in a field together.  I'm not sure if it is a true vission
or merely wishful thinking.  But I will take it as a sign of hope that we
will eventually see all our friends, two and four legged, again.
Thanks for your support, and empathy to others who have lost a fuzzy friend.
[Posted in FML issue 1262]