Hi there everyone,my name is Edith and I am the proud ferret Mama of Nick
and Lucy. I recently got hooked onto the FML and I'm amazed with all the
topics that are on the list. This stuff is great!!!! ( if my friend Sheena
is reading this Hi Sheena!!!) Anyways, I got Lucy, who's my first ferret as
a Christmas present last year, and just recently i got Nick as another gift
from my great boyfriend!!!! Well what happened with Nick is that I usually
leave the ferrets in my bedroom in the morning as I'm getting ready for
classes. A couple of days ago my boyfriend stepped on Nick's right hind leg
and because he was wearing shoes he didn't get off of Nick's foot until
little Nick began to screem and whine crazily. I didn't know how bad the
stomp actually was until I came back from class and noticed that Nick was
limping a little bit. His leg wasn't swollen and as I felt around, it didn't
feel as if there was anything really out of place.( I'm not a vet but I
could at least try to be one. ) His spirits are still high, because he's
still hopping around and ' beating ' up my Lucy. I did take him to the vet
and the vet said that he couldn't really feel anything wrong in his leg, but
he could only be certain if an X-ray was taken. Because the X-ray costs over
$100, and me being a struggling student, I couldn't fork out the cash to
make sure everything was O.K. He's seems to be better everyday so I'm
thinking that maybe he pulled a muscle as he was trying to pull his foot
from under my boyfriend's foot. Is there anyone who agrees with me? Please
tell me O.K?
Thanks a Whole bunch
Edith, Nick and Lucy
[Posted in FML issue 1260]