Hi everyone! Eric and I have been very busy...
On the Friday 5pm broadcast of CBS news (in New York) there will be a little
(2.5 minutes)  piece on Modern Ferret. It could get bumped for "important"
news, but right now it looks like it will be on. We won't know for sure until
tomorrow at 11 am. Although this is a "local" broadcast, it is possible for
CBS affiliates to pick up the piece. The piece focuses mainly on the
magazine, but we did get to talk about how ferrets aren't rodents and how
they're not wild animals and that there's a lot of misinformation about
ferrets out there. Since the reporter was filmed snuggling with ferrets, we
expect it to have a positive slant. Of course, we can't guarantee that any of
the pro-ferret stuff we said will be aired.
This comes on the heels of an interview with the BBC, which was to have aired
Thurs morning (I don't know whether it did since I'm not in the UK--did
anyone see it?).
We are continuing to seek publicity so we can present a more accurate picture
of ferrets in the media.
Mary & the Furry Foursome
PS--Issue #3 of Modern Ferret mailed today (7/20).
[Posted in FML issue 1260]