I don't know that denial can really be considered an owner's symptom.  If
we're guilty of anything, it's probably just not understanding ECE.
In my own case, the first day of the slimy green stuff, I decided I wasn't
going to worry because my ferrets were acting fine.  In fact, they acted
fine the entire first two weeks - playing, running, still eating, drinking,
it's hard to consider a ferret in real danger when they're weasel war-dancing
all over the place.  Don't misunderstand - I didn't ignore them - they were
on antibiotics, antidiarrheal aids, and I monitored their food/water intake.
And then in a matter of 24 hours, they started crashing on me - extremely
lethargic, dehydrated, no appetite, and into the hospital they went.  It was
a long haul after that.
With a second outbreak the following year, I tried treatment at home by
myself - fluids, injections, hand feeding, but it was virtually impossible
to work a job and give around-the-clock nursing care to 15 ferrets.  So,
after a few days of beating a dead horse, I packed them up to the vet's
Melissa called me no more than 24 hours after Potpie had symptoms - I
can't really see how you consider that even questionable denial.  While
I agree that there probably *are* areas of denial concerning ECE (none
of which I will discuss here), I don't think that recognizing that you
have it is one of them.
I absolutely agree with you on this:  If you *think* you have it, or if
you're not sure you have it, then you probably don't - because when you
really get it, YOU KNOW!
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1260]