Terence A Groening: I own two little terrors, Sneakers and Sable.  We got
sneakers at 7 weeks and after a couple of months noticed that she wheezed
when she got excited.  We noticed this after we adoped Sable, who always
makes a clicking noise.  My vet suggested that some part of her vocal
anatomy may not have developed right since she has never made a vocal
noise.  However, I still do watch her carefully when her weezing seems
more pronounced.  I would only be worried if it seemed like she couldn't
breath, but that has never happened.  Otherwise she is very playful and
acts as if nothing is wrong.
On holding: Sable was an abused ferret when we adopted her, we estimate she
was about 2 1/2 yrs old.  She was underwiegnt, scared, had no hair from her
midsection down, and hid most of the time.  I fed her a high caloric vitamin
paste and spent an hour each night holding and comforting her, making her
stay and relize that it was alright.  Now a year later, full of hair, she
will come and sleep in my lap and give me kisses.  I think that if anyone
has a ferret that does not like to be held, even if it was never abused, you
need to keep trying no matter if they keep fidgeting.  Eventually they will
relize that if they come to you they will get more loving.
As a new member I am excited to read all the stories and advice on ferrets.
Hoping to go to vet school someday!
Letitia & Chris
Sneakers - I love your ankles
Sable - 4am: I think I will lick your legs!
[Posted in FML issue 1258]