Ok, Pam Grant, you've motivated me to write on this....a few months ago I
was a watching a repeat of a "Full House" episode.  This is not a program I
normally watch, but one of the ferrets had run off with the remote and I
was too lazy to get up and turn the channel.
It seems there was a "varmit" loose in the house and Jesse, being an
exterminator, was trying to catch it.  (this program is based in CA)
The animal "noises" were some I'd never heard before.
Well, he finally 'caught' it and to me it looked like a gorgeous silver
ferret.  *HE* called it a North American White-Footed Ferret.  He was
going to kill it, but Joey convinced him the humane thing to do would
be to set it free in a field somewhere.
First of all, I've never heard of a North American White-Footed Ferret,
and second, I thought it was extremely poor taste on the part of the writers
to turn this ferret loose.  It teaches children to be irresponsible and
that it's ok to turn animals loose in a field.  The proper thing to have
done would have been to turn it over to a shelter (well, that's probably
stretching it for TV - animal control?)  But this is CA, folks..
I've been told by others that I took this program too seriously....what
do you all think?
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1257]