Hi All!!
A long first message.....
I am a new subscriber to FML and find it both entertaining and informative.
I have two of the little guys..Puff (albino)..and Cocoa (brown, for want of
a better description).  Cocoa is in sad shape...he is believed to be about
21/2 to 3 years old, and was suffering from a urinary tract blockage.
Unfortunately, he had to undergo two procedures, one to insert a catheter
to empty his bladder and the next day surgery to flush the bladder.  The
vet had taken x-rays in the past but saw nothing there.  As it turns out
the blockage was caused by sand like material that blocked the ureter, etc.
We saw the little guy today and he is not eating or drinking...quite
lifeless to be factual about it...he had surgery on Friday and is still at
the vet's office on an IV.  The vet thinks the bladder tissue may be
necrotic (or dying).  We really don't know what to do at this point...
should we let nature take its course or put him down.  An awfully tough
decision....Puff really misses his bud.  They have been together since they
were kits.  Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated!!!
Thanks.Joe..Allan (child)..Puff (white fuzzy)..and Cocoa (brown fuzzy).
[Posted in FML issue 1256]