Ok, we all know how much our furry friends like to burrow and romp in the
forbidden styrofoam popcorn. Well i found a kind that they can burrow in
without the risk of intestinal blockages due to eating it. This wonderful
stuff is made out of potato. (puffed like rice)   It will melt on the
toungue, and doesnt taste to bad either. It was desighned to ship
computer components in because it absorbs moisture, thus eliminating the
need of desacants of any kind. Its all natural, edible, biodgradabe, and
ferrets can eat it or play in it all day. (They think its loads o'fun)
Anyway, the company by the name of 'MidiMan' uses it to ship with, and
thats how i got mine. Just thought everyone might find this interesting.
[Posted in FML issue 1252]