To Robert Fein:
    My personal experience on this matter has been.... The researcher who
came up with the statement  "A starving dog will eat in three days." NEVER
had ferrets!
    I decided, way back before great ferret foods like Totally Ferret, that
ferrets shouldn't eat CAT food, but FERRET food.  So I bought myself a bag
of one of those fishy, smelly little greeny pellet things, and served it
up.  No one would touch it!   So, thinking about it rationally, I mixed it
in with the Iams- figuring that they'd probably pick out the Iams, but
eventually the Iams smell would go on the ferret food and they'd eat it by
accident - and discover they liked it.  WRONG!  It worked with some -  but
Willie would not even eat the good stuff that TOUCHED the ferret food.
After he staggared around one day and was so weak he didn't want to play, I
finally figured out what was  going wrong (he was in a group of 5 so it was
not easily spotted until it became a crisis).  I offerred him the Iams -
non-contaminated - and he ate like he hadn't eaten in days.  IMHO, ferrets
rank #1 on the STUBBORN list!
To Nancy Silvernale:
    You're putting your computer in the FERRET room????  GASP!!!!!  My
goodness, gal, that's like putting a big TARGET on the screen!!!  And with
a white-footed wonder in the house???!!!
   Actually, my computer is in my ferret room as well.  Trouble is....
Tiffany (my white footed trouble-maker) has adopted the mouse.  Yeah,
really.  I think she wants it for her office.  Tiffy has an office
somewhere.  She steals pens, pencils, staplers, ... any kind of office
supplies.  She also ADORES calculators and remote controls.  I even caught
her hauling off one of those battery operated closet lights.  Guess her
office wasn't light enough.  At two separate shows now, while she has been
standing on the table being evaluated for conformation... she's taken the
judges calculator and trotted down the table with it. (RED-faced mother,
happy Tiffy)
    Seriously, tho -  make sure you vacuum out the computer quite often -
you'd be surprised at how much litter dust gets in them.  (Not the litter
from when they poop -  but the dust sure flies when they jump in the litter
pan to SCRATCH!)
P. S.  -  Do you need a secretary for the Union??  Love, Tiffy
[Posted in FML issue 1249]