I would like to know if there is anywhere in the Seattle-Tacoma area that
sells the halters that are made specifically for ferrets. I know they can be
mail ordered but they come with leashes and I don't need more leashes. Also,
with 11 ferret babies that is quite a bit of money to pay for the set.
I went to the wonderful ferret frolic in Kirkland and saw so many ferrets
with the halters that I would love to get some. I am going to the Bellingham
area next week if there is a store anywhere around there too.
Give a hug to all.
Alice&Greg---Pooh,Tautilla,Willie,Frisby,Gus Gus,Oscar,Wilma,Pongo,'roo,Ives
and........ Yippy Kai Yea.......... It is always best to watch what you name
your ferret buddies----they do live up to the name    :-)
Greg Hastings                                  [log in to unmask]
Alice Dutton
Auburn, WA
When one finds himself in a hole of his own making, it is a good
time to examine the quality of workmanship.
[Posted in FML issue 1249]