Okay Bill get ready to insert your little moderator's note at the end of
my letter also!!
    I really feel that you were out of line with your editorial comment that
you attached at the end of Jeanne Stadtmiller's letter the other day.  If
you already haven't figured it out, there is a group of our club members who
read the FML.  We used to copy off the FML to share with our club members so
they could read all the educational articles and funny stories and ferret
antics.  Unfortunately, times have changed.  The FML has become a base for
certain viewpoints, yet several opposing viewpoints are always criticized.
    Take, for example, Pat Nothnagle's note.  You said to let you know if
you missed something.  Yes, you did.  Rudy the Ferlosopher states Pat's
attitude on ECE as "something a little care can fix."  No way did she say
anything to that effect!  She is one of our clients at the animal hospital
- and I can personally testify to the anguish and heartbreak Pat went
through during the ECE two years ago.  And how Pat does not let her guard
down in the shelter for one moment.  And then Rudy says that anyone who
says "something a little care can fix" and "damns MF on an unproven
allegation of bad genetics is guilty of first degree hyprocrisy."  Isn't
that "NAME CALLING"???  Isn't she allowed to feel that way based on her
knowledge of the STAR Cancer Survey results, and her own heartbreaking
experiences running a very active shelter for 8-9 years?
He also quotes her attitude as "well, my problem is minor and therefore OK,
while their's are serious and, therefore bad"... In NO WAY did she say
ANYTHING in her post to reflect that attitude.  Why should he be allowed to
say that it is???
    And then, when Jeanne Stadtmiller comes to her defense, is SHE
reprimanded for a "personal attack", while Rudy is allowed to say all of the
above with no problem.  Is it because they are "regulars" that they are
allowed to get away with this - whereas people who only seek to right an
injustice are disciplined?  I think you should read Rudy's post again - I
think you'll find quite a few things you missed.  Yes, I agree that you can
not hear intonations on a keyboard...  nor do you know the personalities or
"internal politics" involved in the various personalities you are
responsible for moderating.  Where some of us already do...and recognize the
attempts at discreditation for what they really are.  Spiteful and
completely uncalled-for.  I know it's a tough job - but it appears that you
are moderating "one-sidedly" and I personally feel you owe Jeanne
Stadtmiller an apology.  How about if we can get back to what the FML was
originally intended for - information and sharing ferret fun.
    You can post this or no - I really needed to vent my anger about what
I feel is an unfairness.
    I hope Pat comes back to visit again.  I think she could be helpful here
with all her experience!               Mary
      /                                                          /
      /      Insert moderator's note here   (GGGGG)              /
      /                                                          /
[Moderator's note: This is a difficult one because I don't want it to turn
into a never-ending debate.  In short, I don't agree there's a double
standard here and feel that perhaps the group of people you refer to has
misinterpreted some of the statements "the ferlosopher" and others have
made.  Perhaps his post in this issue, as well as other posts, will clarify
things.  If they don't, I respect your opinion even if I don't agree with
it, and I'll send a few comments offline rather than clutter up the list.
In fact, I respect the opinion of all the FMLers - I think this is a really
great group.  And, I too, hope Pat posts again.  But there are over 1100
subscibers reading the FML and there are going to be disagreements.
I am upset though that some folks feel there's selective criticizing going
on...  I thought I insulted everyone!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1247]