Cute story:
I found a very nice, large basket the other day that my neighbor was
tossing out (okay, I admit it, I occasionally bring home stuff on trash
night).  It looked like just the right size for a cat to sleep in, so I put
it on the living room floor.  The next morning, I saw that a little present
had been left in it--a bright orange teddy bear squeaky toy.  *Somebody*
must have been hiding the bear and saving it for a special occasion like
this, because I hadn't seen it for months.  Later in the day I saw Ralph
carrying the bear upstairs (over his head, like a parasol ant) back to
where it belonged, I guess.
Ferret occupations...
I loved the story about the ferrets who liked the firetrucks.  I once heard
a talk show host ask his callers what would their pets be if they could be
something when they grew up.  I thought it would be fun to do this with my
guys (not that ferrets ever grow up) so I asked them:
Norm has so many interests it would be hard to choose, but being a
sanitation engineer would be high on his list.  He would also like to
work in a bookstore, because he loves taking books off the shelves.
And also a plumber, especially of bathroom fixtures; and he says he
wouldn't mind crawling under the kitchen sink to find out where the
problem is.
Besides commanding a Federation Starship, Ralph would like to be a
parachute jumper, and of course, he would also like to be a surfer.
Cinderella says that she's a princess and princesses don't have to
work for a living.  However, she says that she wouldn't mind being a
benefactor and giving an endowment to the Sock Collection at a large
Max the dog says he was a door-to-door-salesman in a past life; and
the cats fall into the same category as Cinderella--they're not
interested in working for a living (but then, neither is their mom)
I've had 4 ferrets so far, each coming from a different background.  My
first, Mr.  Fuzzy Wuzzy, was turned in at a wildlife sanctuary where I
was volunteering and they convinced me to take him home (I had never seen
a ferret before that).
Cinderella came from a friend of a friend who no longer wanted her; Norm
was abused at a pet store and I adopted him from a shelter; Ralph is a MF
ferret who I adopted from the same shelter.  They are all very different
from each other and came from different places along the way, but they
are all wonderful and endearing friends.
--Ronnie & pals
[Posted in FML issue 1247]