Re. my possibly intact, possibly MF ferret:
Since Spunky is male, at least he wouldn't be in any danger if he did turn
out to be intact (though I think I might recognize the signs of an intact
female early enough).  It would almost be nice if they _did_ miss his
operation - then I could wait until he is ~6 mo. old or so before I had it
done to him.
[Side note to Nancy: I might have a hard time convincing Gene, my fiance',
to take _my_ name (Voskuil) when we get married. :)  It has a nice ring to
it though...]
Spunky is doing a good job of learning not to nip, except for the most
rambunctious play times.  He's also scaling cages and bookshelves, hiding
shoes, playing with all of the ferret toys, and loves to explore his daddy's
computer (I can hear the tick-tick of ferret feet on keys as I write this on
my computer...).  He cries more than Rocko or Randall ever did, though.
When we get up in the morning (or before then), he _bleats_ (or
bleats/moans) pitifully until we take him out of the cage, and then
sometimes continues afterwards.  The really strange part is that he will
bleat if I 'dook' at him!  (If I'm holding him at the time, he squirms to
get away.)  If I dook at the other two, I usually get a play reaction, and
sometimes a similar vocalization.  Does he perhaps think that I'm dooking
because I've found him and am now going to do something with my 'catch'?
Any idea what sound might be more calming to him?
Happy ferreting,
Denise, plus Rocko, Randall, and Spunky the "problem" child :)
/\\    ____  ,^-o, Denise Voskuil - [log in to unmask]
  ``-,'    `-';~~     Brain: "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
    .',-'~`../        Pinky: "I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have
     `^^    `^^         ears we'd look like weasels." ("Animaniacs")
"Ferrets are kittens with leather jackets and no fear!" - John Reed
[Posted in FML issue 1246]