There seems to be a problem here at the FML.  I'm speaking about the
reactions several people have had to a post made by Pat Nothnagle.  I will
be up front with you -  Pat has been one of my best friends for many years.
I have been reading the FML for over a year now, I believe, and up until
this time this has always been a forum for freedom of speech.  I thought
everyone has been able to voice their opinion - whether it is a majority or
a minority opinion.  I, myself, was "disciplined" for coming down too hard
on a subject I felt strongly about - but I was allowed to say it and work
it out.
      Three days ago Pat posted HER opinion on ECE (The Greenies) and
Shelters.  That should have been an acceptable thing to do.  But in the
following two days she has been attacked unjustly.  Why is it that certain
people automatically assume that Pat hides the fact that she has had the
ECE in her shelter?  Pat, in fact, tells everyone what it is, how she dealt
with it, and the last time it was present.  She has spent several hours
discussing it on the phone.  All the facts are presented - and people are
allowed to judge for themselves.    Yet, I'm surprised how quickly she was
judged and hung.  And what makes them think she does not separate new
entries to the shelter and watch them carefully?
      Furthermore, what gives someone from two states away from here the
right to call her names -  a hypocrit - and makes statements like "any
shelter...that treats ECE as no problem or something that a little care can
fix..."  or states PAT'S attitude as "Well, my problem is minor and,
therefore ok, while their's is serious and, therefore, bad".  I suggest,
sir, that you philosophize on getting some truth before you shoot off your
mouth.  Unless you know Pat, and know for a fact that these are her
attitudes you have no right to make those statements.  Pat worked as hard
as anyone else to bring her ferrets through the greenies.  I think the key
word was used by Debbie -  ACTIVE greenies.  There have been no signs of
ACTIVE greenies for over a year at the shelter.  When there were still a
few random cases of it, Pat fostered new incoming ferrets when possible.
      I am very discouraged by the tone of the whole FML lately.  I
heartily look forward to Dr. William's comments -  we all learn from him
daily.  I certainly hope all this private political revenge does not
discourage him from staying with us - we need him!
                           Jeanne Stadtmiller
[Moderator's note: Time out here folks.  I think Pat's note was very well
reasoned and a pleasure to read.  I think the responses to it were factual
and informative.  I don't understand where the perception that Pat is being
called names and is being treated unjustly comes from, but let's be clear
on it: I'm glad to have posters like Pat, and glad to hear opinions that
differ.  But we, the FML, won't tolerate personal attacks.
I admit that sometimes I just don't have the time to scrutinize every post,
much less respond to some posts (and sometimes it's difficult to hold my
tongue!), so maybe I missed something...  please let me know if I did.  But
unless I see hard evidence of unreasoned personal attacks, I'll let the
posts through.
Perhaps this is a good reminder that the electronic medium sometimes makes
it difficult to perceive people's tone.  Please keep that in mind when
posting.  Thanks.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1246]