Help!  I live in Istanbul, and need some answers fast.  My two ferrets are
due for their vaccinations this summer, but I am very leery about trusting
any vet here in Istanbul to come up with the right vaccines.  There are no
other ferrets here, as far as I can tell--there is not even a word for them
in Turkish (the closest anyone can come is "sansar" which means mink, I
I can try two things:  If someone can give me the names & dosages of what's
needed for each ferret (maybe giving brands in order of preference, if
applicable) then I can call a few vets and ask if they can get those items
for me and administer them.  In Australia, my ferrets got Websters distemper
vaccine, but the literature there is very confusing and contradictory on
which things to use, and I am finding it difficult put together a clear,
full set of info from the FML & Ferret FAQ either.  The latest FML advice
seems to be that Fervac-D is most recommended, with Galaxy as an alternative.
But what to do for rabies?  The ferret "expert" in Sydney (not a vet) had
told me that I would probably not be able to get a safe vaccine in Turkey,
as most of them use ferret cultures (did I hear right?).  I would not wory
about rabies normally, as I keepthem confined in the house so they are
unlikely to get itten by a rabid animal.  But when I take them to the U.S.
next year, I will need evidence of vaccinations, won't I?
    If I can't get a proper vaccine here, then I can go to option #2.  My
brother will coming from Michigan to visit me in early August.  He can ask a
vet to supply the vaccines and he can bring them along to have a vet
administer here.  But I am not sure if a) vets in the US are allowed to do
such a thing;  b) it is legal to bring them in, though a bust is unlikely;
and c) whether the vaccines need to be refrigerated or kept on ice during
transit (which could be up to 24 hours door to door).
I will also ask my brother to bring some heartworm medicine, though I don't
know if it is a problem here.
Advice would be appreciated.  Dr. Williams?  Pam?  Anyone?    --Sue Kocher
[Posted in FML issue 1245]