I have seen the mention of staples the last couple of days and wanted to
express my opinion on it.  Buster had a biopsy done behind his rear leg and
I had fits with those staples.  Two days later, I had to have them
reapplied, then two more days later, they were replaced with the wire
stiches.  I am *not* fond of either one.  In trying to use fewer staples,
they tear at the skin more, and are likely to snag if they work their self
around.  I also had a ferret with emergency coozie removal.  The doc used
the surgical thread, left virtually no scar and healed *very* quickly.
(Now these are two different places on the body and I never had a problem
with the fuzzies picking at their wounds.
I was very curious, though, as to what the medical staff thought?  Now I
can insert my thanks to Dr.  Williams (what a name) for his efforts.  Now
he can read through all of the FML every day <g>.  (BIG, sorry, but I
thanked you last month :)
Quick story, because of the kitchen ferret-proofing stories: Bug used to
love to get under the electric oven which had one of those pan draws
underneath.  Like any door, she could fling it open in a hearbeat.  She
watched me stick a 6" piece of duct tape on the edge, and give one quick
try at opening up the drawer, got ticked, reached up and bit a corner of
the tape and yanked it off.  It looked like such an intelligent reaction
that I was ROFL.  Well, I just had to stick about a 4 foot piece up there,
and she didn't even try to open up the drawer, just grabbed a corner and
started with her continual yanking until she removed the tape, opened to
drawer, ran under and danced (bumping her head on the drawer I might add).
[Posted in FML issue 1242]