Holy Moly!! Gadzooks!!! don't ever let your e-mail pile up!
I hadn't read the fml in 3 weeks due to moving....i just read it all now...
in one sitting!   I think i'll be dreaming about CBS & BFF's  tonight. .
my question: does anyone have a ferret that actually enjoys swimming in
water too deep to stand in? Finnegan likes wading, but I tried to bring him
in deep water & his was NOT thrilled.  He made a beeline for the shore...
which is quite amazing as we all know they're nearsighted.  I tried to
convince him that he really wanted swim in the opposite direction, but he
wouldn't hear of it.  We compromised--he stood on my head while I swam!!
It's good to be back!
Elfyr & the Finn (Do I _Look_ like a fish?? what's with these humans,
[Posted in FML issue 1230]