<Personal Log>
Ferdate 4803.2
We are on our way to the Kibbeloni System which, according to StarFerret
Intelligence, has extremely rich deposits of dilithium crystals and
Ferretone. Our mission is to secure as much of these substances as we
can find and return with them to Starbase 114. The success of this mission
is extremely important since the supplies of both these crucial substances
throughout the Fer Federation has reached all time lows. The situation has
become desparate.
Although I have not commanded a finer, braver crew on any starship, the
seriousness of our mission has had an effect on the crew's mood. I have not
seen a dook or a wardance since leaving Starbase 114. Even the mood in 10
Forward is subdued. I suppose it is understandable. Were the Kibbeloni
System in Fer Federation space it would hardly be a problem, but we must
cross the FF Zone and enter Kalif Ornian space to get to the Kibbeloni
Kalif Ornia.  We have long warred with the Kalif Ornian Empire.  We have
suffered great losses, but we have managed to push back the FF Zone to
their border and the borders of their two allies, the Ha W'aii and the
Massachusians.  The ruling bodies of these empires have been nothing but
hostile to the Fer Federation.  We wish only peaceful co-existance, but
that does not seem possible.  They have regularly employed kidnappers and
assassins to use in their campaign against the peace loving Fer Federation
citizens and the Fer sympathizers in their own Empires.  Someday, the Fer
Federation will prevail and this war will be but a dim memory.  As it has
already became in the Michigani sector.
None the less, we must enter Kalif Ornian space and succeed. The entire
Fer Federation is counting on us.
Captain Jean Dook Fercard
of the Fer Federation Starship Ferretprise
<Personal Log>
Kimberly Burkard        |              _
Xerox, Rochester, NY    |       _____C .._. fu-til'i-ty   n. 1. an act having
[log in to unmask] |  ____/     \___/  no useful result  2. herding
[log in to unmask] <____/\_---\_\    ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 1234]