Not to scare anyone, but Deborah Jeans' ferret book recommends extreme
care at the beach or avoiding it altogether.  Here's what to watch out
* Overheating (of course)
* Ingestion of sand causing impaction
* Ingestion of salt water possibly causing GI tract disruption and
  brain edema
* UV intensity may lead to retinal damage and sunburn (which may lead
  to skin cancer over time)
* Hot sand (or pavement) may burn/blister paws
It sounds like you should avoid salt water and the heat of the day, and
just watch to see what your fuzzies are doing.
Happy ferreting,
Denise (plus Rocko and Randall)
/\\    ____  ,^-o, Denise Voskuil - [log in to unmask]
  ``-,'    `-';~~     Brain: "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
    .',-'~`../'       Pinky: "I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have
     `^^    `^^         ears we'd look like weasels." ("Animaniacs")
"Ferrets are kittens with leather jackets and no fear!" -John Reed
[Posted in FML issue 1234]