Mish: Keep the cage! You will need it for "time-out" when someone has done
a foul deed (like your husband) <grin>, and it comes in handy if one
ferret get ill and has to be separated for treatment-feeding-private sleep
time. I also use mine when spraying the house for flees and of course to
protect the cows from getting eaten.
Jim: When I read the message about Cody I rushed home and hugged all my
kids.  I told them where Cody went and that when they go to the Rainbow
bride that they should look for him.  Farley looked at me like "oh boy,
Dad can I go play now".  I told him no because Cody will be busy meeting
all the other kids that are up there waiting for there loved ones to show
up and that they will be playing hard for a long time yet.
Ferret kisses from Tourie!
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[Posted in FML issue 1234]