You give a wonderful argument of why some people should not have ANY pets, not
that ferrets are inherently much more difficult to own than a dog or cat.
Puppies chew things, dogs need to be walked several times a day, they bark,
need baths, etc. Cats claw up the furniture, bring home dead (or live!) mice,
etc. And ferrets steal things and poop in corners. They ALL need training,
love and attention. They are no harder to own than many other pets.
Perhaps what the Humane Society needs to do is educate people on owning ANY
pet. You need to learn how to drive a car, you should learn how to own a pet.
Note, I am not advocating requiring a license to own a pet, but people should
be educated that owning a pet is not just a right, but also a responsibility.
[Posted in FML issue 1233]