Tanya here - friend to Orville. (sable I think, not sure after reading all
the letters on colours!)  I've been here for several months but have only
posted once, but feel I have to respond today....
I watched the CBS piece this morning and am suitably horrified by what
happened to that little girl.  How could her parent's have been so
exceptionally stupid to leave a baby unattended with a pet.  NOTE: a PET,
any pet, not just a ferret.  Would you leave a sleeping baby with a cat or a
dog?  Haven't cats been known to smother babies because they provide a nice
warm unyeilding surface?  Are cats illegal as pets ANYWHERE?  You have to be
a total imbecile to leave a child unattended with anything that is
potentially harmful - do you let kids play with knives and scissors.  I
think the parents are at fault here, not the ferret, yet THEY were not
mentioned.  Weren't they negligent in looking after their child?  Has anyone
got an address (e-mail/snail mail) or phone/fax number for CBS - and those
presenters in particular?  I think they should be told that they are
reporting with a definite bias..and whether they realise it or not it is
ANTI-PET, not just anti-ferret.
Uhmm, I should probably mention that I am not a parent (yet - except to
Orville) but I don't intend leaving Orville or any other pet I might have in
the future alone with any child, mine or any other.  The harm could go
either way...
Since I'm here now, I hope no-one minds if I babble on a bit...
I got Orville in September at about 3 months of age from our local SPCA.  He
is soooo cute.  He does still nip, but only when I'm playing with him, or to
get me to play.  And boy, does he bounce.  We would like to know if there
are any other New Brunswick ferret pals out there, preferably in the
Fredericton area that we could meet with.
Should I consider getting Orville a playmate, or am I good enough company?
I am at home most of the time.
Next, we are only in Canada temporarily and will be going back to South
Africa in a year or so's time.  I have already checked with the relevant
local authorities to make sure that Orville will be allowed in.  There is a
fair amount of paperwork and several permits will be required as well as a
month's quarantine, which I might be allowed to do at home.  I have also
called several airlines to see if he can fly with me in the cabin.  This
info might be of interest to others, so here are the three I have found so
far:  Air Canada, Alitalia, Air France.  All require under seat stowage and
pet + carrier to weigh in at 5 kg or less.
But what I really want to know is are there any other South African ferret
friends out there?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I hope that I get some responses
to my various questions. (e-mail or here on the FML)  And thank you all for
being there.
Tanya and Orville
Bartlett at [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1213]