To Mish who wants to cage-free her ferrets:
    If you have a room for them, just let the cage there open and they will
have access to hammock and food and put some basket with blanket in a corner
or (best of all) in a closet and your ferrets will as happy as mines...
Question about milk:
    I was surprised to read that Dave from UK gives drops of milk to
ferrets and that Hillary gave milk and cream to kitten.  I thought that
milk induce diarrhea in ferret!?! Are UK ferrets and kitten are differents?
To Diane and Alex re kitchen:
    My ferrets have access to the kitchen.  We installed baby's lockers on
doors of cabinet, wire on the back of the fridge (up to 4 feets high) and
wire at the bottom of the dishwasher (favorite nap spot of Adele...).  We
always check for ferret before closing the dishwasher and always close
carefully the stove's drawer...  Hope that it will help...  Good luck for
your knee Alex!
Bonne fete de la St-Jean a tous les Quebecois!
PS:  Do you like my new signature???
             @-"-@              @---@               o__o
            ( 0-0 )            <=*"*=>             (. . )
              Victor 8>         Hugo 8>           Adele :>
Anne Charbonneau        Faculte de medecine dentaire    Universite de Montreal
[log in to unmask]            Tel: (514) 343-5924
[log in to unmask]               Fax: (514) 343-2233
[Posted in FML issue 1233]