DON'T USE HARTZ ANYTHING!!!  In fact, if you can buy it in a grocery store -
DON'T!!  Use only the products carried by a veterinarian.  Again, you don't
have to buy them from a vet, but choose the products the vets carry - you
can buy these products cheaper from a whole-sale animal catalog, but please
don't buy chemicals etc to be used on your animals in a grocery store!
Working in an animal emergency clinic, I saw many, many, bad reactions to
grocery-store flea products.  I don't know if this was due to improper use
of the product, but it's not worth risking.  I think Dr. Williams will
support me on this one.
I spray my carpets and floors, as well as my furniture with Duratrol Premise
Spray.  I don't treat my animals at all.  I haven't had fleas in 10 years,
and I have 17 ferrets, 2 dogs, and 3 cats.
I personally wouldn't dump flea powder in the bottom of the cage - I would
be concerned about fumes - remember, we're talking about a 1 1/2 to 2 or 3
lb little animal about 2 inches away from this stuff.
If you can keep your house free of fleas, the animals will be okay.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1232]