Just thought Id pass on some of our ferret proofing ideas for the couch
(someone-sorry, cant remember who-was looking for them) We tore the liner
off the bottom of the couch and taped cardboard along the entire length.
Use a cut up cardboard box and duck tape. Rocket dug at it for a while but
gave up when he realized that he wasnt getting anywhere. It solved the
problem of him getting into the couch and playing.
        To the person looking for a ferretone substitute during nail
clipping time: Try peanut butter. Rocket absolutely loves it although I
guess not all ferrets would and it may make a bit more of a mess. Good
luck, hope it helps!
        Now for a question of my own...Alex and I blocked off the kitchen
right away when we got Rocket with a baby gate. Other than a few attempts
at scaling the gate, it has worked wonderfully. Now, though, we have a
problem. Alex recently had knee surgery and it is very difficult for him to
climb over the gate every time he needs to get into the kitchen. So, are
there ferret owners out there who let their ferrets into the kitchen? How
did you ferret proof it? I dont really want to let him in but we need to
find an alternative to the gate. Any of you build a 'door' for the kitch
that you can open but the fuzzy cant? Any help would be much appreciated!
Diane and Alex (*#@! gate!)
        and Rocket (yumyumyumyum peanut butter-Hey, what you doing with
that nail clipper?)
[Posted in FML issue 1232]