Hello FML - am cross eyed from reading through a week or so of the FML.  Dumb
things like work and stuff have kept me away from the scary computer.
For Jim Cristea - I was so sorry to read about your loss of Cody.  All of us
have "been there" and grieve with you.  I know it is hard to think of getting
another ferret or two right now.  However, over the last few years in being a
"nursing care" advisor,  I have shared in other's grief over losses.  The
advice I have given, and followed myself is, that while no other ferret can
ever replace one that you have lost, another ferret can distract you from
your grief and help fill that hole in your heart.  I know you do not feel
like another little fuzzy in your life right now, but please, please do so.
You won't be replacing Cody, you will be giving another ferret a loving home
and this ferret will return the favor by giving you joy -- and probably a lot
of trouble too, since all ferrets are little devils.
For CDFA1 - please call me regarding Baby Needs Help.  I have had experience
in raising "unweaned" kits and might be able to help.  I am sure FML'rs will
be hopping on this problem with advice and you might not need mine - but if
you do - e-mail or call at 703-765-4353.  Meantime, get a kitten nursing kit
and supplement with KMR or Just Born.  The baby does not have mommy for an
example to transition from nursing to food, so you will have to do this, and
I do have some tips. The baby will chew through kitten bottle nipples, so get
extra.  Also, cut the nipple for faster "service" and rotate the bottle
frequently to extend life of nipple.  Check frequently and replace if
partially chewed off so baby won't ingest it.
For Deborah - Sounds like your ferrets are treating Pongo like a new toy.  I
have witnessed this behavior many times in my house on introducing a new kit
to my hoard.  Some like to drag baby around, and some like to drag baby and
"put him away" as they would a toy.  Your other ferrets probably won't hurt
Pongo, but do supervise the play, just in case, and put Pongo up in a cage
when you are not with them.  As Pongo grows, he will find his place in the
line-up - expect hassle play until pecking order worked out!
For Sean - your fighting ferrets sound as if they are "sorting out the
pecking order".  What you are witnessing sounds normal to me.  (But then
again, what do I know - I let my ferrets work things out unless it gets
down-right nasty & someone goes into stir for a cool-off).
For John Knight - the above may apply here.  Also, ferrets do grieve over
loss of companion ferret.  You may be seeing a grief problem in your ferrets
behavior toward each other.  When my Shadow lost his beloved Frisky, he tore
up 5-6 squeaky toys a day, and was down right nasty to the other guys.  I've
also had ferrets become depressed and stop eating on loss - time and support
from you is the cure here, and give the ferrets extra petting, loving, and
treats -- on an equal basis, of course.  Funny how they seem to keep score on
getting even attention.  Best to you.
This is from FML a while back, but for Michelle - I keep all my ferrets on
high grade kitten food, Perform kitten and now Totally Ferret for there
entire lives.  Will not brag about how my ferrets are doing, because I am
very superstitious.  Everyone has different opinions on feeding ferrets, so
listen to advice and choose best for you.  .
Just a tip for traveling - take bottled water for your ferrets to drink while
away from home.  Tap water sources in areas away from home might not agree
with your ferrets tummies.   They seem to be sensitive to changes in water -
just like many of us.
Best regards to everyone.  Meg.
[Posted in FML issue 1231]