My roommates decided that Periscope was just by far too cute so they
decided they needed to get their own fuzzy. Hobbes has just joined us and
he is as cute as can be. The pet store claim he is "marble": he has a
sable back, white head, dark red-black eyes and a white tummy with black
spots (and white feet which are much too big for his body!). He also has
a tiny little tail which he wags constantly!!  Periscope, after initially
pouncing him and trying to drag him away, now loves him. They play
together all the time. Has anyone else heard of a marble ferret?
Question: Periscope and I will be moving out in the fall. How would you
recommend helping her get over the separation which i know will be tough
on her already.. I am thinking of getting another friend, should I do it
before then so she won't be too lonely?
Also, there is a perfectly awful pet store around me, with 5 ferrets,
unfixed or decented. At least three are quite big (13-14 mos?) and
viscious. I know they could be nice with TLC, but here, it is around $150
for a ferret with "the works" done, and these little guys are 100
dollars, and i know the operations will be around 200. I feel so sad
whenever i go visit them, and the man is quite dreadful, he just smokes
his cigar and stares at them, they have dirty cages and no litter boxes
:( :(
One more thing, Hobbes' "daddy" is insistent that Hobbes not go under and
"into" the couch (it's all ripped and they can get in and crawl around).
I don't mind Periscope going in, but he always follows her and they play
in there for hours. How on earth can we keep them away from the couch?!
Sorry for the long post!!
[Posted in FML issue 1231]
[Posted in FML issue 1231]