Hi All,
    I had Mitzi's blood work tested again on Thursday and her glucose was
normal!  It was 143.1 actully, I was thrilled.  I felt like we were finally
making some progress.  She is still so lethargic, so the vet put her on
amoxidrops for 7-10 days, then if there is still no improvment, he wants to
do x-rays, I asked if he wanted to do them then, he wanted to wait to see
if the amox works, so far it hasen't, and she HATES it.  She actully ran
backwards from me to get away from it!  I now mix it in with the Nutri-cal,
much less stress for us both!  I want to thank everyone one again for
writing to me in the past couple weeks.  I really feel the Duck Soup &
Brewers Yeast has worked well, of course along with the medication.
    It's just I wish I could wake up one morning and she would be better.
It's so frustrating, I wish someone had a magic touch that you could snap
your fingers and they would be well again.  It's kinda hard to put into
words, but I guess we all feel that way sometimes.
    In case you noticed there is a third name now, yes, I did it again.  We
were in a pet store and my husband said look at this little ferret, he
dosen't have all his hair!  The poor little guy was so little, he fit in
the palm of my hand.  Boy did he bite!  he drew blood on my husbands hand.
When I asked had he been socailized, they said he had been there a week and
no one had handled him!  When I opened his mouth, I noticed up top, he had
little tiny blood holes where his teeth had fallen out, when I described
him to my sister in law (a vet) she said it sounded like he was about 5
weeks old!  When I asked the pet store how old he was they said 9 weeks!  I
said no way, Tara was eight weeks when we got her and what a differance!
So I said I was buying him, my husband said"We are not running a shelter
here".  I said it's only one more!  How many of you have said that???
Dutch has adjusted to life here very well, Tara loves him, they play
together all the time.  Mitzi had to show him who was the boss, a couple
times, and not to touch HER squeeky toys(what a fight that was), not to
disturb her while she is sleeping ect.  But they already sleep together.
Dutch can't climb the steps yet, and jump on tables(he trys but misses)
like Tara.  His teeth are popping though as of this week, he loves to chew
on stuffed animals, and our feet!  I have promised myself & the hubby, this
is it, 3 is enough.  Someone has posted about blowing bubbles for the
ferrets, Tara & Dutch love it!  They chase them down, it's a riot!  Mitzi
well she sneezes, and walks away, she loves her squeeky toys.  Well I
thought I would write and let everyone know how we are doing.
Michelle, Mandy(Not another one!) Mitzi(It's my way or the highway kit!)
Tara(Let's play, Let's play) Dutch(Stop chewing on my ear, I'm sleeping!)
[Posted in FML issue 1229]