Although I've always had a litter pan in my living room, my ferrets
have not always used it - some of them have chosen to go NEXT to the
pan - this, as we know, is not unusual - many others have had the same
problem.  There is also 1 particular area of the dining room that they
choose to use as well.
I had resigned myself to the fact that I would just have to clean up
messes as I found them.
After reading the section in the FAQs on litter training, I decided to
try throwing some towels or old shirts down on the floor in those two
areas.  While it looks a little 'messy' with these old shirts thrown
in the corners, it has worked like a charm.
I haven't had to clean up one mess in those areas since I've started
using this tip.
So, for all newcomers or anyone having chronic problems, please check
the FAQ before giving up.
(This also shows that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!)
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1229]