To Karen and Baby:
> Biopsy showed a mildly
>inflamed, enlarged reactive node that the pathologist felt was probably
>related to either an adrenal tumor or hyperplasia.
        An adrenal gland would not cause reactive changes to the node.
Where was the node taken from?
 .  If this is adrenal, will the HCG really pull
>her out of "heat?"
        No, the HCG will have no effect.  As it seems we are most likely
dealing with an adrenal, we should probably not use the word "heat"  That
implies the normal cycling of intact ferrets with ovarian production of
estrogen andprogesterone.
Will this affect her if/when she has
>to go in for more surgery?
        HCG will not cause any adverse side effects at surgery time.
Does anyone know of
>any good source of info.  about adrenal problems in ferrets that I can
>share with my vet?
        Try the Ferret FAQ.  Additionally, there is a good writeup in the
Dec 15 1993 issue of the JAVMA by Neil Lipman, and a nice writeup in
Veterinary Clinics of North America Jan 1994 by Karen Rosenthal of AMC.
Bruce H. Williams, DVM         Dept. of Veterinary Pathology
Chief Pathologist, AccuPath    Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
[log in to unmask]         Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
                               [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1228]