>From:    Debbie Riccio <[log in to unmask]>
>'H' harnesses seem to work best - I haven't had a ferret wiggle out of
>one of those yet, although the world is still young.
My beasties continuously wriggled out of these as I made them progressively
tighter, being careful not to hurt them.
Finally (this is *all* true!), when they couldn't wriggle out of it, they
unscrewed the tiny nut and bolt in the middle of the harness and hid them.
I was glad to notice my ferrets' sudden lack of restraint and gather them
up before they got in trouble.
I never found the nut again though :)
Oh well.
Maxmillion Fantastic, Sagitarius Excalibur, Kodi The Bear, Cinder The Cat
  (and Dave)
:oooo / oooooooo: -----------------= [log in to unmask] =---------------- (__) ---
ooo  /--  --- ooo | David Ljung                                      oo )   |
oo  /  / /__/  oo | Hewlett-Packard       W: (970) 229-2379     moo. |_/\   |
ooo     /     ooo | Computer Architect    H: (970) 282-9853                 |
:oooo  / ooooooo: ---= Check out:  http://www.geom.umn.edu:8000/ljung =------
[Posted in FML issue 1227]