I finally did it.  I bought a house.  We close the 15th of July.  The
back of the house has a 12x18 patio and I'd like to enclose it so the
ferrets and us humans can have outside time together, but we can't afford
a lot of expense (buying a house is costly!).  If anyone has ideas how to
inexpensively build a nice enclosure please e-mail me directly so we
don't tie up the FML: [log in to unmask]
This will be so nice to have a real house with a basement and enough
cabinet space to put everything in!  The ferrets will miss their outside
cage since we won't have one right away until I get a feel for the
neighborhood and make sure it is safe for them and that is one reason I
want to enclose the patio.  In the evenings after work we can all go out
there together!  We even have a basement, and ceiling fans, and attic
fan, and....
Unfortunately I had to move from our current area so my phone number
will change.  I'll post it as soon as I get it.  Hugs to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1227]