This is for Emi and any other Delta travellers out there (I posted directly
to Emi, but just in case it bounces, I thought I'd better respond to the
list).  Don't worry about flying through Salt Lake City--it is now legal to
have ferrets here!  I'm not sure how long ago the law changed--but it has
been within the last two years.  We have had Phantom and Bandit since
October and everything has been ferret friendly so far.  They are gaining
in popularity very quickly--lots of places are stocking ferret-specific
toys, food, books etc.
Hope you trip goes long as you make your reservation and pay
the extra $50-60 you should be set.   I think that you actually get a pet
voucher with your ticket, so that should suffice.   I was going to take
them on vacation and fly them on Delta and the ticket people didn't
question anything....but then our plans changed and the vacation was
scrapped so I haven't actually done it yet.
BTW: Are there any other list members from Utah or Salt Lake County?
We'd love to hear from you and find out if there are any Utah ferret
clubs, etc. E-mail me directly at [log in to unmask]
Have fun,
Leslie, Dirk, Phantom, and Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 1227]