I am posting more specific info regarding Kitka. My vet has expressed her
hesitation as far as exploratory surgery either now or later. I am hoping
one or more of the Doctors on the FML will respond with their views. As I
have to call the vet proptly at noon (mountain time), any responses
before then would be the most helpful. Please email me directly.
- Kitka had wbcs and rbcs in her stool.
- Normal temperature.
- Vomitting (3x spread evenly over the late morning, early afternoon of
- Lethargy for at least one day before vomitting began
- X-ray showing excess gas, very minor distension of bowel (which part
  exactly  I don't know)
- Unspecified/uncultured bacteria in above normal amounts in her stool
She is being tx with Ampicillin, subq fluids, and being held overnight at
least tonight and probably tomorrow night as well according to Dr. Thompson.
She is not being offered food, and has not eaten since at least noon of
She had a bowel movement, formed but loose about 2:30 pm Wednesday.  It
was of slightly below normal size for her usual.  She had another bowel
movement about the size of the Dr's pinky fingernail at around 7:00 pm
Thanks a lot for your opinion and any insight you might have.
Paula E. Smith
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[Posted in FML issue 1227]