To Tara:
I agree wholeheartedly with Mary McCarthy on this one - I, too, believe
that this type of screaming is due to separation from mom too early.
This is my third year breeding (Heaven is finally coming into season!)
and past years' litters all screamed as babies - they screamed for their
mom when they were hungry or just wanted to cuddle with her.
Although it's been almost 10 years since I bought a petstore ferret,
I always wondered why little babies screamed the way they do - then I
started breeding!!!
Once kits are a little older, they usually outgrow the screaming part.
Of course, some just like to complain, and some are little babies, but
if kits were sold a little bit older, I think there would be a lot less
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1226]