Hi everyone.  I need some advice and fast from anyone who thinks they have a
good suggestion.  I can not name names, but if needed you can figure it out.
I have been on line before, Stephanie president of Ferrets Etc.  here in
Colorado.  I am a veterinary technician at a local hospital here.  Does
anyone know if or who I can contact for help and if it will do much!!  He
vaccinates ferrets with a combination distemper that I know can cause
serious reactions and I have heard kill them.  Over and over I have told him
about Fervac-d and Galaxy-d, but he does not care.  He tells clients that
his vaccine is good in ferrets and will not hurt them.  These people assume
their ferrets are okay and protected, but I do not think they are.  Not to
mention he has seen the green crude and ignores it, I tell him to contact
our vet Dr.  Bock or Dr.  Williams who I have seen on the FML that they
could help him learn how to treat the virus, but he puts the ferrets in a
cage on Baytril and no food or water and everyone has died that I have seen
come in!!  I am so furstrated I need to stop this before another dies.  He
even removed a lump on a ferrets tail that had the green virus and the
ferret died the next day.  He wonders why!!  I can not tell him how to
practice medicine, but can I stop the use of wrong vaccines?  There is a lot
more I see, with other animals and misconduct and neglect that I can turn
him in for but I will not post that.  I have never seen anything so horrible
as what I see here.  I cry all the time.  The only reason I stay is to
gather information and hopefully do something soon to help ALL the animals.
I know I sound harsh and maybe should not post this, but I need help fast!!
There are a lot of good vets around unfortunatley there is one who should not
practice.  If you could post any suggestions or E-mail me.  Thanks, Stephanie
[Posted in FML issue 1225]