I heard the reason MF was caught short on ferrets was due to the recent
legalization in Michigan - I don't know if this is true or not, but I've
heard nothing about MF having the greenies.
Michigan people:  Do your pet store ferrets have 2 blue or black dots
in their right ear?  If they do, they come from Marshall Farms.
I know that they don't allow tours strictly for contamination reasons.
They don't want people coming thru the facility bringing contagious
viruses in on their clothes and shoes.
One more thing about Marshall Farms while we're on the subject.  Several
months ago, there was discussion about who does the neutering and
descenting out there.  It is done by trained vet techs and is perfectly
In NYS, ANYONE can do surgery or treatment of their own pets - so, if
you are a vet tech, you can legally spay your own dog, but not someone
elses.  Same thing with MF - while the kits belong to them, a trained
vet tech can legally perform surgery - once a kit belongs to someone
else as a pet - at that point, only a licensed vet can provide treatment.
Several years ago, I bought a Doberman - the breeder told me she herself
did the earcrop.  She did a good job, but I assumed it was not a legal
procedure.  Now, I understand, it is.  As long as the puppies were still
hers, she could legally do their ears.
Now, personally, I think this is a stupid law.  While I'm not criticizing
MF for having trained techs do what they do, I don't think lay people -
breeders, should be allowed to dock tails and cut ears or do any other
unsupervised treatment.
This ruling is similar to saying you could do surgery on your own kid
but not someone elses.  Personally, I think a DOCTOR should do surgery
- do any of you feel comfortable being your own pediatrician??????
Pam Grant - sounds like this falls under Animal Welfare Protection or
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1222]