As you are all aware Ferret Friends Disaster Response International Declared
the Black Footed Ferret Situation as a Disaster.
On 6/5/95  14 of the Pueblo ferrest were relased.  Evening of 6/7/95 the
first one (Jeramy) was lost to Coyotes.  Thursday 6/8/95 12 were accounted
for; with the remaining one's collar intermittent.
For those in the following States:  Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas,
Nebrasaka, Wyoming, Southern Oklahoma:  There will be two PEACEFUL
demonstrations to protest the release of the BFF's on Tuesday 5/13/95 from
9AM - 3PM at the Denver Federal Building and at the Badlands National Park.
[Moderator's note: the demonstrations have been canceled. BIG]
Andy Abate will be leading the Denver Demonstaration and Katrina Ramsell
will be leading the Badlands demonstration (Carolyn Kinsey will be with Ms.
Ramsell at the Badlands demonstartion).
If you are in the above listed states please do your best to go to these
CONTACT POINT IS:  Ms. Katrina Ramsell Phone/Fax (517-694-8327)  email
address:  [log in to unmask]
For those who cannot be a part of the demonstration please observe a minute
of silent and send thoughts of strength to the BFF's and those who are
protesting their release. on Tuesday 6/13/95 at 1PM
Chere McCoy
Founder Director Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
[Posted in FML issue 1221]