Well, I did not see the program, what I have heard so far was very
discouraging.  I am sure this post will show up with many detailed first
hand accounts of the program.
I never liked the CBS Morning anyway, when I have time, I watch the Today
show.  (Maybe some NYC ferret groups could stand outside the window on the
today show with ferrets) (prolly not a good idea)
But I am offended and I want to do something.
If someone can up with a phone number, email address, fax
or mailing address... I'll certainly help barrage the unbelievers.
In case no one else posts the contents of the program, and to verify my
account just isn't a rumor, The spot dealt with with the CA bill.  They has a
girl attacked by a ferret, who was missing part of her nose and upper lip.
She apparently came on and said a ferret did this to me.  The some agency
said they have files full of ferret attacks and such and they wish to ensure
ferrets are classified as dangerous wild animals and work on other states to
have their pro-ferret laws removed.
Sorry if this proves to be repetive, I trust it will be removed if BIG
makes that call.  I am just disturbed is all.
[Moderator's note: Don't have much time to edit tonight - FML gets sent out 5
minutes from now... yikes!... and there are more important things to edit,
so you're safe today.  By the way, there are a few FML posts already queued up
for tomorrow's issue, so you may get an extra issue if continues to be very
busy for the rest of the day.  BIG]
Nathan, Heather and Sigmund
[Posted in FML issue 1211]