After seeing so many references to the Green Poops being in the GCFA shelter
recently, I checked with  Roger McMillian, who volunteers there twice a week.
He confirmed that they DID have a run-in (rather lengthy one) with the
nefarious little bug but that, at last bed check, all was "back to normal", as
if anything at a ferret shelter could truly be 'normal'.  He did say that the
virus seemed to have either mutated to a weaker form or that the ferrets here
were stronger, as it only killed a few who were already down with other
maladies. The virus actually seemed to be a contributing factor. The ferrets
in question died because they were weakened by the virus and thereby unable to
fight their other problems. In any case, the worstis over and they should be
back at finding homes for the 30plus that they have awaiting adoption or
fostering. Word is that the other Westmont shelter was also hit by the virus
and that it was also being taken home by their volunteers.
The major problem NOW facing the GCFA shelter is that they must SOON find a
new shelter. The building they've been in for so many years is being torn down
to make way for an office building. Like Denise said, all donations will be
gratefully accepted and are Tax Deductible.
       Greater Chicago Ferret Assn.
        P.O. Box 7093
        Westchester, IL 60154-7093
[Posted in FML issue 1220]