Russ H.  - Some ferrets DO produce what may seem to be ann excessive amount
of earwax. If you can get some on a slide and look at it under a microscope,
you'll be able to check it for 'tiny livestock', little specks that move
withing the waxy buildup. If you see any, get 'em to the vet. Ours uses
Ivermectin liquid in the ears. I'd advise against using the commercial mite
drops as most manufacturers recommend filling the ear canal with it. That's a
lot of insecticide. a small drop if Ivermectin goes a lot farther. Your vet
will (hopefully) know the exact dosage. (Dr. Williams?).
Rub some Vitamin E creme on those dry pads.
Bravo on the letter to CBS. We've done the same here. Could someone e-mail me
the text of the show? I'll give it to Roger McMillian, "Off The Paw"'s editor.
I've forwarded all the e-mail sent to me about the GCFA show sanctioning to
Roger. PLEEZE. if you have questions about it, ask him. his e-mail address is:
[log in to unmask]
He tells me that this was a GCFA board decisiion and not up to him alone
Happy Ferreting!
[Posted in FML issue 1218]