Sunday afternoon we received Sassy into our home. Sassy is one of the "garbage
dump gang", a litter of ferrets found with their mother in a cardboard box
at the dump. They were found, turned over to the Humane Society, which turned
them over to the Ottawa Ferret Association. All this happend about a year
ago. Sassy has since been spayed and adopted by a family. Unfortunately
Sassy could not integrate herself with the other ferrets there and was
returned to the O.F.A. We have taken her on, hoping she will get along with
Ping. Ping, you may recall is our forth, still does not get allong with
the three amigos: Smokey, Pixie and Boots.
We have written a letter, phoned, and tried to fax (no answer... out of
paper?) Margaret talked to a gentleman on the phone who said he was sorry
we were not going to watch CBS any more, but that was all. A friend called,
got the run-around and now is writing a letter.  We also faxed the HSUS.
(This incident was the imputus I needed to install the fax software that
came with my modem, may CBS rue the day.) I am all for writing and faxing
sponsors, and agree that a reasoned even tone is the way to go. If we can
not pursuade with facts, we can at least vote with our dollars.
Canadian Ferrets?:
I don't know about differing blood lines in U.S. and Canadian breeding stock,
but I do know that four of our ferrets (Sassy the exception) have large broad
faces. The majority of the ferrets I see in pet stores, at the frolic etc.
seem to have more narrow faces, and overall smaller builds. I don't feel that
the broad faced ones are more nippy, but the are less shy/more outgoing.
I can see that in a ferret that is not yet properly socialized this could
cause more difficulty than otherwise. The three amigos do use there mouths
and teeth in play, with us and each other. Usually I don't feel a thing,
they are so gentle. Even when they are very excited, the worst they do is
leave compression dots, or scratches on the skin. That is when we call time
out to cool down. It happens with much less frequency as they mature. The vast
majority of the time they are playful, loving and gentle. They will also walk
right past a Coors to knock over a Blue...  Hmmm maybe they are *Canadian*
ferrets ;-)
Margaret, Richard
Smokey, Pixie, Boots, Ping, Sassy
[Posted in FML issue 1218]