Amen to Mary and Modern Ferret.  After witnessing the disgusting display on
The Morning Show on CBS this morning (5/31), I went to my phone and called
information for the CBS number, called CBS and got the direct numbers
(regular and fax) for The Morning Show.  Before I go on, the numbers are as
follows:  Phone: 212-975-2824, and Fax: 212-975-2115.  I asked about e-mail,
but they "don't have it yet".  Their mailing address is:  The Morning Show,
CBS Television, 524 W. 57th Street, New York NY 10019.
Back to the topic.  I was getting ready for work when the segment on ferrets
was being introduced, so I sat down (of course) to see what they had to say.
I would say the segment lasted about 5 minutes, and Pat Wright (who I wish
lived closer so I could know him) was given MAYBE one minute.  He was very
well spoken and obviously passionate, speaking of ferrets ("Babies"),
California law and the need for change, etc.
I could NOT believe my eyes, when the interviewer (a female CBS correspondent
named Hattie Kaufman) introduced a little girl (about 8 years old - I missed
her age if they mentioned it).  The child was very well spoken (or should I
say very well PROMPTED).  She also had an obvious deformity in her nose/mouth
area, and she went on to explain that when she was in infant (in her crib) a
ferret had climbed into her crib and "attacked" her.   They left this child
on the air for a lot longer than Pat Wright and, as far as I'm concerned
anyway, they exploited the hell out of her.
Living in New York, I see daily TV news reports about attacks on children by
pets.  These pets are, by and large, dogs (pit bulls, etc.) and they are
reported on, they show the animal being dragged away by Animal Control.  I
have yet to see a victim of this type of attack being paraded in front of the
As I sat there watching this obviously slanted report, I could feel my blood
pressure rising.  I immediately went to the next room to just stare at my 5
children and tell them I love them.  They were in that unconscious phase of
sleep, however, and didn't hear me.  I read Mary's (Modern Ferret) posting
this morning, and she hit the nail right on the head.  There was (except for
Pat Wright) NO positive mention of our little people.  I wish I had taped the
segment, but I have sent for a written transcript which I'll be glad to copy
and share the ferret segment with anyone interested.
Then, to top it off, Ms. Kaufman made a ridiculous statement  to the effect
that, if and when our babies get outside, they are a real threat to house
pets and small wildlife.  I was jumping out of my skin by that time, and
found it almost humorous, especially since I had just gazed upon my little
men, all piled up in a mountain on layer upon layer of soft flannel and baby
receiving blankets.  Oh sure, they'd REALLY be a threat to small wildlife.
 The most they would do would try to make friends, hoping the racoon
approaching them had a supply of Ferretone on him!
To end the segment, Paula Zahn (who I've always thought interjects a bit too
much, rather than remaining neutral!) stated that perhaps the state of
California would do well to have the little girl do all their future speaking
for them.  It made me absolutely sick to my stomach.  I am, obviously,
extremely upset, and a letter is going out to Paul Zahn, her producers, the
President of CBS and a copy to Hattie Kaufman.  This is something I CANNOT
and WILL NOT hold in and let slip by, and I would encourage every one of you
on the FML to to the same.  I will also personally boycott the CBS Morning
Show as well as ALL CBS news broadcasts, and I will spread the word to all I
know and ask them to do the same.  If 1100 of us let CBS know how we feel
about this, maybe they'll put Pat Wright back on and actually let him SPEAK!
I apologize for taking so long, but this was an out and out assault on
ferrets and ferret lovers everywhere, and Pat, if you are within ear (or eye)
shot, I sure would love to see them rest of your interview.  I'm just so
sorry they took the negative side and railroaded you.  I think you are quite
Let's get those letters written, everyone, and let's give 'em hell!  Katie
Courick on the Today Show is much more pleasant anyway, and I plan to tell
Paula just that.  Thanks for listening, everyone, and I'll let you know when
the transcript arrives.
Hugs to all your bugs, Judi Lunn
[Posted in FML issue 1211]