Hi all, I just want to add that the response to CBS is outstanding!  I agree
with Bruce Williams, that the tone of our responses is very important, and I
think we can all be very proud of ourselves.  The battle has just begun,
however, as far as I'm concerned -- and, I'm sure as far as you're concerned.
 I am taping CBS This Morning every day this week, and next Monday or Tuesday
I will publish a list of every sponsor for the week.  If BIG would prefer it,
I will offer the list by mail, but I think a few other postings have
expressed an interest, and I've already written to CBS to advise them that
I'm doing the sponsor thing.  I also mentioned to them that it would be a
real pleasure (for a change) to fast forward through the show instead of the
commercials.  I've also mailed a copy of my CBS letter to NBC and ABC in New
York, with the hope that Katie or Joan (who far outsmart Paula) will see the
possibility of bringing Pat Wright back on and re-examining the situation.
 I'll do whatever you suggest, BIG, regarding the sponsor list.  I will do
everything possible to obtain their addresses as well, but I think they
should be involved and be aware that there are some very unhappy verret
people out here.
›Moderator's note: I vote for posting the list on the FML. BIG!
On a lighter note, my baby (Bailey) who is now the largest of my 5, and just
as sweet as he is big, got his fangs into one of my brand new sneakers, which
I was dumb enough to leave on the floor!  This was on May 24th, and I spent
the next few days searching out his normal hiding places.  No luck.  Well,
May 28th was my birthday, and I was sitting on the edge of my bed, putting on
my slippers (it was either that or hop around on one sneaker!) and I see
Bailey's sizeable rear end backing out of the space between my dresser and
the wall.  He was obviously struggling with something, as he was really
taking his time.  Guess what.  He finally got the nice white sneaker all the
way out, dragged it over to his mom, and looked up at me as if to say "Happy
Birthday, Mom".  Then, as he always does, he laid his head on my foot and
rested after his struggle.  It was the gift of the day, as far as I was
Yes, Paula, they're TERRIBLY dangerous animals.....Please join with all of us
who are boycotting the CBS This Morning Show.  And also, please spread the
word to non-ferret people as well.  We really can make a difference if we do
it sensibly, calmly and together.  Those who have requested a copy of the
transcript, I'll send it as soon as it arrives.  Have a good week, everyone.
Judi Lunn
[Posted in FML issue 1217]