Someone asked earlier about the legality of ferrets in Oregon...the answer
is a resounding Yep!  We are one of the lucky states that hasn't bought
into all of the crap about them being little evil baby eaters!  (I mean
really, have you ever heard anything so ridiculous!)  It seems to me that
a couple of isolated incidents were blown way out of proportion...what
about all of the maulings that dogs are responsible for.  I don't want to
start a flame war about this...but in my experience, sometimes children
are the instigators for problems with pets.  The poor little dears don't
understand that animals aren't big on having their extremities yanked on,
and it's not like Rover can say..."Ah, excuse me, would you kindly stop
pulling my tail??"  ;)  Ok, I'm stepping down from my soap box now...
Have a fantastic day, and the ferret owner that asked about Oregon...
welcome to our beautiful state!  I'm sure you and your fuzzies will enjoy
it as much as we do.
Dina, Brant, Stella Bobella McMousechild, and Dooki McBearmouse
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[Posted in FML issue 1216]