Hi!  Today I traded 6 of my Guinea Pigs for a little 3 mo. old ferret that
whenever you go to pick him up by grabbing his body, he turns around to bite
you.  He's a Canadian ferret.  The vet check form is from Winnipeg.  The
ferret has been named Winnie.  Male, N&D, Looks like a cinnamon with white
mitts, white tail tip, a white blaze down his face, and white spots on his
belly. He's quite stocky with big feet.  Does anyone know if he might be from
a line of ferrets that is inherently less than sweet?  My MF sable male over 1
year old is the most precious thing you could ever imagine, and would no more
bite than a stuffed teddy bear would.  Winnie does not "draw blood", but his
nips are unnerving.  Will he outgrow this?  Silver, the "BEW" (with some dark
tipped hairs)  hates him as much as she hates the munchkin Bandit.  She
mutilates them both until they squeal.  She's locked up with Karat now, all I
can do to prevent mayhem.  Any insight on Winnipeg or biting will be
appreciated.  Karen Vance from Macon Ga.
[Posted in FML issue 1216]