My sister reports having seen a totally black or dark brown ferret in
Michigan (obviously unneutered, as it stank badly, she said). I have never
seen or heard on the FML about ferrets of a solid color other than
white--what about y'all?   Was my sister hallucinating again?    Could it
have been a mink--can they be kept as pets?
BTW I was wondering...since horses and donkeys can interbreed, albeit
producing sterile mules, is it possible for, say, a ferret and a mink or
stoat to be bred?
Another query:  I have read on the FML that the ferret digestive tract takes
about 3 hours to run through.  This may be true as a minimum, but I wouldn't
count on it if you plan to take your ferrets travelling.  I transport my
pair occasionally in a newspaper-lined pet carrier with a water bowl.  I've
tried withholding food for 3 hours, 6 hours, ten hours (yes, I know they
were hungry, but they generally eat in the evening).  Doesn't matter.  Both
are likely to have several loads to be dumped in short order, and when a
corner is not handy (as in a crowded car or on a ferry boat) the poor babes
have no choice.  When finally forced to relieve themselves, they scratch and
scrabble like mad to get out of the cage, because they do HATE to be trapped
in such circumstances!  (wouldn't we all?)    A bummer for all concerned. I
suppose I could rig a raised wire floor, but this is not foolproof either.
A larger box with litter box is possible for some trips, but not when true
portability is required.  I'd be interested in hearing from some  owners who
take frequent jaunts with their ferrets.  Ta....--Sue
[Posted in FML issue 1214]