Amy, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on this.  The tone of
your post (please correct me if I'm wrong - and if I am, I apologize)
implies that the greenies is no worse than a little bug.  If your guys
sailed thru it you were lucky.
Sometimes it takes more than good veterinary care and Duck soup.  I, too,
came in contact with the greenies in Maryland in 93, and $3,000 worth of
vet bills and 1 dead ferret later, as well as 4 ferrets who have suffered
permanent intestinal damage due to the greenies, I don't think you're
giving this disease the respect it deserves.
I know a woman who lost 10 ferrets over a 4-day period resulting from
complications of the greenies - I'm sure she might disagree with you as well -
and she had excellent vet care and provided 24 hour round-the-clock care
for her ferrets.
While it's true that the degree of severity may differ from case to case,
it is not worth the risk to find out if YOUR ferret is the one that will
sail thru it or die.
As far as lifetime immunity once a ferret has had it, my guys have proved
that's not the case.  They came down with it again 13 months after the
initial exposure - and they had had no contact with any ferrets at all.
As far as Dr Williams' statement about fecal-oral contact - my initial
exposure resulted from handling an infected ferret (unknown at the time).
Although I washed my hands before handling my own ferrets, it wasn't enough.
Since the sick ferret made contact with my shirt when I handled it, and I
did not change my shirt before handling my own ferrets, the virus must have
somehow been on my shirt and my ferrets picked it up that way.  The ferrets
of mine who first became infected with the greenies, had no direct contact
with any strange ferrets, nor were they even in a ferret show - they came
along with me for the ride and never left the hotel room.
Please don't underestimate the greenies......if your ferrets have sailed
thru it with only minimal discomfort, consider yourself - and your ferrets -
extremely lucky.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1214]